
We, the developers of Omniport, pride ourselves on Omniport’s architecture. It is a smart blend of automation and explicitness. We strive to make Omniport as automated as possible to reduce the amount of code a person has to write to set it up and extend it, but at the same time not be too magical for an ordinary person to understand, in detail, its functionality.

Omniport, at its very core, contains a distinction between apps and services. Apps and services are all Django applications, there is but an ideological difference between the two categories.


Services are Django apps that provide critical functionality. Services may depend on other services and on the core. A service may not depend on an app. Services may depend on other services, which is strongly encouraged because it leads to a cohesive system.

All services must be installed for Omniport to function properly. Services cannot be chosen at will. Services do not contain any form of filtering based on user roles, corresponding active statuses, or IP addresses.

Services, and services only, may appear in the Omniport sidebar. The subset of services that appear in the sidebar are defined by their config.json file on the frontend.

See also

More on frontend configuration files here.

For an example, consider the service ‘Developer’, which is used by developers to develop OAuth2 based applications on Omniport.

Services are cloned into services/ directories inside the src directory (omniport/) in both the backend and frontend codebases.

Since there is no mix-and-match capability in Omniport services, the process of cloning services has been merged with the cloning of the codebases using the script provided by omniport-docker.

See also

More on the script here.


Apps are extensions to Omniport that provide new functionality. Apps may depend on other apps, which is strongly discouraged because it may lead to crashes when dependencies are forgotten, or on services, which is strongly encouraged because it leads to a cohesive system.

Apps can be plugged into the Omniport system as and if needed or wanted. Apps can be chosen at will.

All apps can choose their target demographic on the basis of roles and corresponding active statuses. These filters can be configured in the config.yml file on the backend. This leads to every user seeing a set of apps on the backend.

See also

More on backend configuration files here.

\[A = \{\text{apps allowed to a user based on role, active status and orgin IP address}\}\]

Then there is a set of apps whose frontend has been installed in the frontend architecture. This leads to a second set of apps common to every user.

\[B = \{\text{all apps installed on the frontend}\}\]

The net set of apps that any user sees is the intersection of both these sets.

\[Result = A \cap B\]

Apps are cloned into apps/ directories inside the src directory (omniport/) in both the backend and frontend codebases.


service ---may depend on--> core
service ---may depend on--> service
app     ---may depend on--> core
app     ---may depend on--> service