Omniport Docs


You must have Python 3.8 and pipenv installed before you can set up the documentation locally.

  1. Install the project dependencies.

    $ pipenv install --skip-lock

    Omit the flag --skip-lock if you want the latest packages. Keep in mind that the project has been tested on the versions of the packages specified in the Pipfile.lock so its compatibilty with the latest packages might not be assured.

  2. Start the pipenv virtual environment via running the following command. Or you can prefix the commands for starting the server or for building docs using pipenv run.

    $ pipenv shell
  3. To start the development server, run the following commands inside /docs. This will automatically re-build your changes as you make them.

    $ make dev

    Pass extra flags like port (default: 8000) by suffixing SPHINXDEVOPTS="-p 8080" with the above command.

  4. Build the documentation into HTML pages by running the following command inside /docs.

    $ make html

    This will create the docs/build directory. You can preview it using one of Python’s module called http.server.

  5. To build the documentation into some other format, refer to make help command for all the options available.

Cannot start the virtual environment?

If you keep getting the following error when you try to run pipenv shell:

Shell for UNKNOWN_VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT already activated.
No action taken to avoid nested environments.

Run exit to resolve the issue. You will be able to start the virtual environment now.