This script builds the NGINX container that is responsible for operating the reverse proxy to the API, that also serves all our static and media files.

[apps omniport-docker]$ ./scripts/build/

You will get the choice regarding the recreation of NGINX configuration files. Affirm with a Y if you intend to rewrite them, else decline with any other character, primarily N.


If this is your first time building the container, choose Y. Choosing N can have adverse unwanted consequences.

If you choose to recreate the configuration files, you will have to answer a questionnaire. Enter the domain names that you want to refer to the intranet and Internet sites of the project.

For example, at IIT Roorkee, the hostnames for Omniport are and from inside and outside the campus respectively.

Also choose whether to enable SSL with a Y if you have SSL certificates or with a N if you don’t. The configuration files will be regenerated and the image built.