Create app ========== .. note:: After you have an up and running API make sure to create a React app for the frontend of the project. Although creating a new app on ``omniport-backend`` is really easy, the main reason being that the process of creating one and the file structure are both pretty much identical to a normal Django app, we have provided a convenient method to make this process effortless for the developer. Usage ----- .. code-block:: console [dev omniport-backend]$ ./scripts/create/ You are asked for the name of your app that you have to provide in lower case letters, separating words with spaces. For example, for an app named 'Placement and internship' you must enter .. code-block:: text placement and internship That's about it! It clones a pre-defined `template from GitHub `_, makes necessary replacements with the app name you have provided and creates a new folder in the ``omniport/apps/`` folder. Restarting the server will make Discovery aware of your new project. The root URL of your newly created API can be deduced by replacing spaces in the app name you provided with underscores, ``_``. This is, needless to say, customisable via the ``config.yml`` file. You should be greeted with a JSON API, greeting you on your success.