Get theme ========= ``getTheme()`` is at the heart of ``Omniport`` themes. It returns the current theme colour out of available Semantic colours. Signature --------- .. code-block:: javascript function getTheme() { ... return theme } Return ------ :Type: ``string`` :Data: - can be passed directly to ``Semantic UI`` components - returns currently active theme colour as ``string`` - returns ``'blue'`` if no colour is set and also sets theme colour to ``'blue'`` - **Enums:** ``red``, ``orange``, ``yellow``, ``olive``, ``green``, ``teal``, ``blue``, ``violet``, ``purple``, ``pink``, ``black`` Examples -------- .. code-block:: javascript import { getTheme } from 'formula_one' Importing ``getTheme()`` from ``formula_one`` .. code-block:: javascript > getTheme() 'orange' Using ``getTheme()`` to get currently selected theme