Get cookie ========== ``getCookie()`` is a function which makes consuming cookies *a piece of cake*. It returns the value of the cookie corresponding to name passed to it as parameter ``cname``. Signature --------- .. code-block:: javascript function getCookie(cname) { ... return value } Parameters ---------- #. ``cname`` :Type: ``string`` :Default: **\*required** :Description: the name of the cookie whose value is being retrieved Return ------ :Type: ``string`` :Data: - value of the cookie whose name is ``cname`` - ``null`` if the specified cookie is not found Examples -------- .. code-block:: javascript import { getCookie } from 'formula_one' Importing ``getCookie()`` from ``formula_one``. .. code-block:: javascript > getCookie('csrftoken') '4OgZaiZcwEHAAeqnzqrn2jFubHe7IemgS07ZJJ0CltuQD3e0MSHIKaAtqeBb7HhD' Using ``getCookie()`` to read the cookie named 'csrftoken'.