The stack ========= Unless otherwise specified, Omniport runs on the latest versions of all the components in the stack. This means that there is no LTS version or long-term release and Omniport is always a rolling distribution. +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | Sphere | Sub-sphere | Technology | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | **Orchestration** | *Containers* | Docker | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **NoSQL databases** | *Sessions* | Redis | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Communications* | Redis | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Channels* | Redis | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Temporary app* | Redis | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *GUI* | Redis Commander | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **SQL database** | *Application* | PostgreSQL | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Library* | Psycopg2 | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **Cache** | *Application* | Memcached | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **Message broker** | *Application* | RabbitMQ | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Library* | Celery | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **Reverse proxy** | *Application* | NGINX | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **Backend** | *Language* | Python | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Framework* | Django | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *WSGI server* | Gunicorn | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *ASGI server* | Daphne | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | **Frontend** | *Language* | JavaScript | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Framework* | React | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Transpiler* | Babel | + +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | *Bundler* | Webpack | +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ - Tier I (no dependencies on other infrastructure) - Message broker - Channel layer - Session store - Notification store - Application store - Database - Cache - Tier II (depend on and wait for Tier I to be ready) - Intranet server - Internet server - Redis GUI - Tier III (depend on and wait for Tier II to be ready) - Reverse proxy