... migrate database? ===================== Before you can make any use of Omniport, you'll need to migrate the database. This can be accomplished with the usual ``migrate`` command. from inside the intranet or Internet server container. .. code-block:: python [apps omniport-docker]$ docker-compose exec intranet-server bash docker@intranet-server:/omniport$ python manage.py migrate In a regular classic Django setup you could very easily skip and migrate every installed app automatically. Unfortunately, our use of swappable models makes that a little complicated. .. warning:: Because of the same reason as stated above, the use of a shell must be thoroughly debated and determined beforehand. After the migration, a shell cannot be inserted or removed without a complete reset of the database. You will need to migrate apps individually and in a strictly defined order. This is as follows. #. kernel (will automatically migrate contenttypes, auth, base_auth and shell) #. auth #. session_auth #. sessions #. open_auth #. oauth2_provider #. admin #. guardian After the above have been migrated, you have a fully functional Omniport core. But that is not all, you'll also have to migrate the following before the installation can be of any use. #. *any remaining services* #. *any remaining apps* At any time during the migration process, run the following command to see what has been migrated and what is left to be migrated. .. code-block:: console docker@intranet-server:/omniport$ python manage.py showmigrations That's it. Now you have a fully migrated database and are ready to populate it.